• Hi , i finally could add an image at the top of my banner , wich is what i want .

    its well placed vertically but i want it centered , i want it just where it is but centerd.

    How do i do that ?

    what i did to get mi image where it is is to write this code at the bottom of the header template :

    <div class="span-24 header">
     <img src="https://www.tweakingknobs.com/wp-content/themes/fancy/img/tweakingknobs.jpg">

    But how do i get it centered ?

    Thanx !!!

Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Thread Starter giorgiomartini


    Try adding:

    .span-24 {text-align:center;}

    to the bottom of style.css

    Thread Starter giorgiomartini


    i just pasted that code at the bottom of the styles.css file but that aint working any other ideas?

    thanx !

    Can you copy and paste the span-24 bit from your style.css to here please.

    Thread Starter giorgiomartini


    thanx , i see many span -24 parts , i paste all the code better :

    Theme Name: Fancy
    Theme URI: https://www.azmoney.co.uk/wordpress-themes/fancy
    Description: "Fancy" is a free WordPress theme which really lets your blog stand out from the crowd. Make your blog unique by changing the main blog color (pink, yellow, green), background pattern (available over 20 background variations), banner etc through an options page. In addition you have the ability to choose the color of sidebar blocks (violet, yellow, green). Tech folks might find interesting that we built this theme based on css framework "Blueprint". Valid CSS & HTML.
    Version: 1.1.0
    Author: AZ Money
    Author URI: https://www.azmoney.co.uk
    Tags: fixed width, two columns, right sidebar, widget ready, valid XHTML, valid CSS, simple, white, blue, black, professional, seo friendly, typography, minimalistic, gravatars, avatar, 1024px, clean, adsense ready, widgets, professional, premium, option page, bluperint, grid, fancy
    	The CSS, XHTML and design is released under GPL:
    	Blueprint CSS Framework 0.7.1
    	* Copyright (c) 2007-2008. See LICENSE for more info.
    	* See README for instructions on how to use Blueprint.
    	* For credits and origins, see AUTHORS.
    	* This is a compressed file. See the sources in the 'src' directory.
    	== STRUCTURE: ========================
    	* Page width:            940 px
    	* Number of columns:     24
    	* Column width:          20 px
    	* Margin width:          20 px
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    just write:

    .span-24{margin:0px auto 0px auto;}

    if i’m getting it right…

    Thread Starter giorgiomartini


    i jst wrote that at the very bottom of my css file.

    that aint working either.

    any other suggestions ?

    i forgot you need to add also a width parameter for it to work:
    .span-24{width:940px; margin:0px auto 0px auto;}

    and maybe also delete those <center> tags, you don’t need them!

    Thread Starter giorgiomartini


    thanx bentalgad ,

    so i deleted those center tags , and copied that code to the very bottom of the css file , but it still aint working.

    so this is how my last lines of my css file look ( is just like the above code but with the new code)

    .com code {
    		margin: 0;
    		padding: 0.75em 15px;
    		display: block;
    		color: #666666;
    		font-family: monospace;
    		font-size: 12px;
    		border: 1px dashed #e9eaea;
    		clear: both;
    .span-24{width:940px; margin:0px auto 0px auto;

    Get rid the the span-24 in <div class="span-24 header">. You don’t need it and it’s making things far more difficult that they should be. Change it to:

    <div id="header">
     <img src="https://www.tweakingknobs.com/wp-content/themes/fancy/img/tweakingknobs.jpg">

    Then add:

    #header {
    padding:30px 17px 20px;

    You also need to sort out the validation errors in your CSS.

    Thread Starter giorgiomartini


    thanx, but

    where should i add the second code? because if i put it at the bottom of the css file it doesnt work , and if i put it at the end of the header it shows up like normal text , just like it is right now if u look at my web.


    At the bottom of your CSS file. But sort out your CSS validation errors first. They could stop some of the CSS working in some browsers.

    Thread Starter giorgiomartini


    thanx !

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