• How to display the field_name and its value? If the value of field_name have a file that need to download, how to create downloadable link?

    I have a PHP snippet to display the data but it’s not working.

    $results= $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(submit_time), '%b %e, %Y  %l:%i %p') AS DateSubmitted, MAX(IF(field_name='lastName', field_value, NULL )) AS 'lastName', MAX(IF(field_name='firstName', field_value, NULL )) AS 'firstName', MAX(IF(field_name='middleName', field_value, NULL )) AS 'middleName', MAX(IF(field_name='mobile', field_value, NULL )) AS 'Mobile', MAX(IF(field_name='Email', field_value, NULL )) AS 'Email', MAX(IF(field_name='location', field_value, NULL )) AS 'location', MAX(IF(field_name='radiooption', field_value, NULL )) AS 'radiooption' FROM wp_cf7dbplugin_submits WHERE form_name = 'Resume' AND radiooption= '" . $list_processed. "' GROUP BY submit_time ORDER BY submit_time DESC", OBJECT));

    To display the data:

    echo '<tr>';
    		echo '<td id="submit_time">' . $result_processed[$i]->submit_time . '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="last_name">' . $result_processed[$i]->lastName . '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="first_name">' . $result_processed[$i]->firstName . '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="middle_name">' . $result_processed[$i]->middleName . '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="mobile_number">' . $result_processed[$i]->Mobile. '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="email">' . $result_processed[$i]->Email . '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="location">' . $result_processed[$i]->location. '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="position">' . $result_processed[$i]->Position . '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="message">' . $result_processed[$i]->Message . '</td>';
    		echo '<td id="radioOption><label for="Yes">Yes</label>
    			<input type="radio" id="processedOptionYes'.$optionId.'" name="radiooption'.$optionId.'" ' . $checkYes . ' value="Yes" onclick="proccessedCheck('.$optionId.',\'Yes\')"/>
    			<label for="No">No</label>
    			<input type="radio" id="processedOptionNo'.$optionId.'" name="radiooption'.$optionId.'" ' . $checkNo . ' value="No" onclick="proccessedCheck('.$optionId.',\'No\')"/></td>';
    	echo '</tr>';


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  • Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    I recommend using the API instead of querying the DB directly.

    See: https://cfdbplugin.com/?page_id=367

    and scroll down to the commend on that page where it shows how to get the file URL:

    $fileUrl = $plugin->getFileUrl($row['submit_time'], $formName, $fieldName);

    Thread Starter UserDG


    Do you mean to put the code like this?

    require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/CFDBFormIterator.php');
    $exp = new CFDBFormIterator();
    $exp->export('FormName', array());
    while ($row = $exp->nextRow()) {
    echo 'Submitted=' . $row['submit_time'] . '<br/>';

    But there’s anyway to displayed the fieldname and it’s values without using API?

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    But there’s anyway to displayed the fieldname and it’s values without using API?

    Use one of the CFDB shortcodes such as [cfdb-table]

    Thread Starter UserDG


    But I don’t want to use a shortcode ?? How to do display the data in a table using the hardcoded code? Like my example code above

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    Then follow this example, and add in all your echo statements in the “while” loop that loops through each row.


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