Thanks vtxyzzy,
OK, you are using the default theme. Did you actually try setting posts per page as I suggested in the first reply? That works for me in the default theme for archive pages.
Yes, that works fine.
Have you edited some of the code in the theme? Where in the code is the function you posted?
The above code worked fine to control the sidbar archive (post per page=25) when placed in the archive.php as suggested by t31os_
Which I have already set through the admin (setting posts per page).
However, what I am trying to accomplish is different than the archive elemment in the sidebar.
I have created a page, which is linked in the horizontal menu bar below the header. I call it “Full Archive”. When a user clicks on it, that users sees a complete list of all posts alphabetically listed by titile and bulletizd on one page. What I intend to do is, instead of having that list including all titles on just one page, break it down to, say 25 titles per page.
Now this totally different than the archive element in the sidebar or the admin setting of posts per page.