Let me rephrase the situation in a greater detail:
My services are using 2 venues (Venue 1, Venue 2), there is 1 person allowed per 1 venue. I have created several services in two categories (A1, B1, C1 – for 1 person – 2 places available overall; A2, B2, C2 – for 2 persons – 1 place available overall). A, B, C services differ in service duration (60, 90, 120 mins.). Once, for example, service A1 (for 1 person) is booked, the same time span for 1 place should be locked for services B1, C1, A2, B2, C2. Meaning, that there still should be 1 place available for that time for services A1, B1, C1. However, if a service A2 (for two persons) is booked, the same time span should be locked completely for B2, C2 while A1, B1, C1 should have both of available places locked.
Webba Appointments settings:
Auto lock appointments – ENABLED;
Perform autolock on – ALL SERVICES;
Autolock for group booking services – REDUCE COUNT ON AVAILABLE PLACES
The issue:
1. with these settings the auto lock feature locks the whole time slot independently of wether this has 1 or 2 places available.
2. The auto locked slots are unaivalable for reservation, but not displayed as locked in the Schedules.