• Hello, WordPress newbie here, working on my first site (not ready to reveal it). Is there a way to automatically-bold the words “SET ONE:” and “SET TWO:” every time it appears in any post? To put the ‘strong’ tags around the phrase SET ONE anytime it appears?

    I have:
    Modified Kubrick template

    I’ve searched, and my ideas so far would be to use a Plugin, I haven’t tried, perhaps InScript Plugin https://www.urbangiraffe.com/plugins/inscript which sounds like it does anything (?) or perhaps a Smilies plugin if it would replace every time I type “SET ONE:” with a small button-graphic I’d designate. I might be way off-base. If this can be done automatically with CSS or another way, please suggest.

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  • Might the Text Switcher plugin do what you’re looking for? You could set the trigger text to “SET ONE:” and set the replacement text to <strong>SET ONE:<\strong> – that should do it perhaps?

    Thread Starter Dgold


    Etoile, thanks, that seemed to be what I want. I have half-a-problem using it.

    Can you help me make this work for all my posts? I’ve installed and activated the Text-Replace plug-in, and I’ve modified the $text_to_replace array as I wish. My goal is simply to bold every appearance of the phrases SET ONE:, SET TWO:, and ENCORE:. Strangely, it has inconsistent behavior. It works on some of my posts, but not others. Is there a date-setting or post-time-sensitive rule? It appears to be working on new/future posts, but not working on old posts I back-dated with WordPress “Edit Timestamp”. Or, possibly, it is failing to work on posts which I have Edited since publishing.

    To trouble-shoot, I tried Deactiving and re- Activating the plug-in. I modified the php-file to try different things in my text-replace array. I was concerned that having a space between the words SET ONE, and SET TWO, was the problem. I do not want these phrases to require a leading-: because they are already written.

    If I am able to post code correctly, this will show how I’m trying to apply the strong tag to SET ONE, SET TWO, and ENCORE using Text-Replace:

    $text_to_replace = array(
    ":wp:" => "<a href='https://www.remarpro.com'>WordPress</a>",
    "SET ONE:" => "<strong>SET ONE:</strong></a>",
    "SET TWO" => "<strong'>SET TWO:</strong>",
    "ENCORE:" => "<strong>ENCORE:</strong>",

    Thread Starter Dgold


    I guess I can show you where it’s not working (just a test version mostly default theme).

    Odds are, the plugin is case sensetive, and thus if you don’t use the same capitalization each time it won’t be replaced.

    Thread Starter Dgold


    Good thought, but I don’t think so. There’s a line,
    function c2c_text_replace( $text, $case_sensitive=false )
    and I’ve tried it with case_sensitive true and false.

    Plus, I’m always typing it in All-Caps anyway.

    Thread Starter Dgold


    I’m still looking for help with this plugin. I must have the text-replace array rule written wrong for “SET ONE:” and “SET TWO:”. I just want to surround those phrases with STRONG tags, every time you see the exact phrase SET ONE:.

    Any ideas?

    Have you tried contacting the plugin author about this? That’s usually a good place to start….

    Thread Starter Dgold


    Yes, I posted my question there also https://www.coffee2code.com/archives/2004/06/29/plugin-text-replace/

    Hoping Etoile might return here with some experience

    Do I need to put a code for the space in the phrase?

    Thread Starter Dgold


    Shucks. Hate to BUMP, but I’ve posted my question on the Plugin Author’s site, and still have no answer (2 weeks passed).

    I found some minor errors in my text-replace array, but I’ve fixed everything I see wrong. It still inconsistently recognizes “SET TWO:” and when it does, it only bolds the word TWO: not the word SET.

    I’m guessing: there’s a problem with using a blank space in the text-replace array? Anyone know another code for a blank space, the way you can use a code for Ampersand or other symbols?

    It’s not recognizing a simple underline, as in SET_TWO? Okay, well the UTF-8 code for underline seems to be “–” – try that…. Hmmm. Nope, that’s not it, let me check s’more…. okay, maybe “_”….

    AUAGUUGHH! Even backticks don’t work…. *sigh* Try using “& # 95 ;” – take out the extra spaces and don’t use the quotes.

    And here’s a handy table: https://www.tony-franks.co.uk/UTF-8.htm

    Thread Starter Dgold


    Thank you for the table. But it’s not an underline. It’s a plain old blank space.

    Well, I’m not sure you can have a blank space. I think you have to replace blank spaces with the underline character…. I could be wrong, I frequently am, if I am someone else will come along and correct me….

    Thread Starter Dgold


    Shucks. I just can’t seem to get TEXT REPLACE to work consistently for me. The thing that seems odd, it works on some of my posts, some of my terms; but not other posts even with the same term.

    I’ve tried re-writing my terms without the Blank Space. For example, I made the text replace array

    "TWO:" => "<strong>TWO:</strong>",

    The test version is on https://dj.dgold.info/

    Anyone help?

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