• NuclearMoose


    The definitive place to find out all you need about getting the best answers possible by asking the best possible questions.
    Not fancy, just straightforward information. Scroll to the bottom of the page to read.
    You can find it here.

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  • We might need more bandwidth ??

    It’s obvious that my attention is very important to you, Will, and you, anonymous, but really there are much better ways to interact with me and that don’t include demonstrating these unpleasant behaviors for all to see. Trouble is, it’s getting to the pt where I hardly feel that I could genuinely welcome it. Clearly, if you want to continue tailing me on this forum for the sole purpose of making remarks about my posts, I can’t stop you. I suppose that somewhere along the way you’ve learned that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but still I would appreciate it if you might try find ways of fulfilling your needs by earning positive attention, such as, say, helping others out with their questions and without having to be so mean-spirited and small-minded.

    I do help others out with their questions. I have yet to see you doing the same. Maybe someone could provide a URL on ‘how to provide answers’?

    Dear Peg
    I hope you do not mind if I call you Peg,only through your personal writing on Word Press, I – and here without presuming – I feel sure; or at least I feel entitled to say I believe, I may well be in fact joined – in spirit at least – by a wider subset of the local user community,my reason for putting apart a little time and I do so both with peace and even joy in my heart but I write for the purpose – one which I hope may seem from hindsight at least, and I hope with all modesty that the aspiration may be more widly shared, but I write to introduce myself; to connect as it were, across a wider ethos in the hope – misplaced perhaps, but well motivated; to encourage nay facilitate, a broader, deeper and I dare I say compassionate, even personal understanding will arise from your words which were undoubtedly crafted, obviously with skill, with very profound insight, and as I am sure you would probably recognise with a deep, intuitive grasp, for the psyche of what were in your own words; – and here I am sure you were both shy and too modest – but you do suggest in what is obviously a heartfelt post that others in the community, so transparently dear to your heart but definitely younger you suggest and possibly more possessed of that inate connection to the desire to grapple with what might be termed – and here I take a poor and well worn literary phrase – but what one might speaking loosely ; even colloquially; refer to as the high tech components of our age and even our generation; clearly unleavened as it were by any evident, or even apparent need to burden our selves unduly with those necessary prerequisites for progress in an earlier age, the sound bases of academia, of learning, of wisdom , of patience and indeed the maturity with which those qualities like fine wine, laid down and nutured bring forth triumphant bouquets, but here we lesser mortals, mere ciphers in a cyborg enterprise, inspired by your erudite exposition, not possessed regrettably with your easy facility with words, denied perhaps in our childhoods, the free and fair opportunities to develop fully our cognitive and intellectual abilities; shown,
    even demonstrated by yourself, but in all the circumstances we poor few, familiar with little beyond the orbit of our keyboards must if we review, fairly, as I feel sure we will, in the early hours and as the dawn breaks, and we share that immediate connection between our selves and an earlier more primitive consciousness less constrained by the formality of our age would need to ask: Why the heck you did not say just say what your problem was at the outset?

    Sheer genius, Anon. I applaud your facile use of the Joycean mega-sentence.
    Now I must away to the oculist, after reading this thread.

    TY Cena. For the master of the disjointed subordinate clause I yield to no one – as David Eisenhower said to me just the other day – of the late Alistair Cooke.
    Now the hiatus seems to over we uneducated folk may return to preparing our submissions on accessibilty for the W3C.

    TY Cena. For the master of the disjointed subordinate clause I yield to no one – as David Eisenhower said to me just the other day – in my admiration of the late Alistair Cooke. Now the hiatus seems to over, we uneducated folk, hackers if you will of the hypertext; may return to preparing our submissions on accessibilty in response to the draft recommendations of the W3C ??


    I’ve been wondering why so many people pop into the forums when many of their questions can be answered in the Wiki. Then it hit me:
    From the main WP page:

    If you’d like help with WordPress or have questions, the support forums are the place for you.

    No where on the main page does it mention the Wiki. In fact it isn’t mentioned except in the Documentation page.
    I propose that the para in question on the main WP page be updated to reflect that many questions, as well as different themes and hacks may be found in the Wiki.

    Tech many folks are going to agree with you. As secondary line of thought though a non geek might not be familiar with Wiki’s in general. A bit of reassuring explanation might help. I think what we need are HOWTos on a plain static site.
    But it is fair to ask who is going to produce them.

    what is wiki?
    its just like another site.
    and it has a excellent search function!

    Yes, TG, a couple days back when this first came up and you’d mentioned something else here about it seeming as if people were first encouraged to go to support forums if they needed help, that rang true, and then Cena, I think, pointed out the other line, that comes just a bit later, saying to please search first, I went off to check this out and see what was what, and also had a thought for looking to see if it could at all make sense to provide a link there to what NM pointed out as a resource. Then I got busy messing around with how to copyedit this stuff just to change the emphasis around a little — state the search first thing right along with the go to the forums, etc, etc. Next thing, and I could have sworn that it hadn’t been there before, but of course it was! there I came upon via the wiki some well-done pages/docs of these same. Since then, it seems to come up more and more often (or maybe it’s just that it’s more within my awareness, whatever) but continually it seems that there are being pointed out these exceptionally good resources in the wiki (e.g. the CSS resources today pointed out for someone) and it just does seem like a lot of wasted effort or what have you, that it has to get found that way. A link would be wise. Somewhere else someone is just now asking about the error 28 and I know I saw that in the wiki, also. True, that some people do have trouble with wikis, but maybe more so when they are intending to write, edit more than just to read the info. it would probably be a fairly easy thing to state something about that when providing the link, anyhow– it just seems like a waste of resources that are already available.

    Peg :p
    I dont want to sound rude… But you should give ur reply in paragraphs…
    this forum is already so thin on a big monitor, paras would be good ??

    Thread Starter NuclearMoose


    Well, just thought I would add my two cents here.
    First of all, everyone should quit wasting their time on one-upmanship of each other. I’m guilty of that at times, just like anybody else, but it needs to stop.
    Secondly, you guys hijacked a thread and made a mess of the whole thing and did very little to contribute in a positive way to the community.
    Thirdly, I showed up to the beach to play nude volleyball with everyone, but nobody came? What’s up with that?
    On that note, I am going to ask Matt to kill most of these posts on this thread. I don’t know if he will do it, but I’m going to ask anyway.
    Please spend your energies helping each other and making WordPress a better piece of software. Thanks.
    Oh, and don’t forget to have fun! ??

    Firstly, no-one can one up the Moose…. it simply defies the laws of physics in the known universe. Fortunatly I live in my own world where those laws don’t apply.
    Secondly, Those responsible for hijacking this thread have themselves just been hijacked (If you ever seen MPSFTHG, you’ll understand).
    Thirdly, are you sure you were at the right beach?
    Next, what about a rewording on the main page that reads:

    For help with WordPress, check out our Documentation page.

    instead of

    If you’d like help with WordPress or have questions, the support forums are the place for you.

    At least on the documentation page, it points you to all the different places to go. Looks like the forum would need to be added to that page – it is a form of documentation after all.

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