• Hello. I get a lot of spam comments. I have WordPress set to require approval before posting any comments, so that is not the issue. I am looking for a few solutions to be added to WordPress that I feel would make them better.

    First is subscribers to the blog. I would like to see a way I can send a broadcast email to everyone who subscribes to the blog. Currently I have to copy and paste their email into a word program and then use the ; to separate them. That word program contains all the email address that have signed up. Many of them are fictitious, which leads me to my next suggestion.

    Only notify me of new subscribers who successfully verified their email address with WordPress. Currently anyone can sign up with any user name and fictitious email address and WordPress will tell them that their password will be sent to them, but of course since its an invalid email, they will never get it. However WordPress will still tell me a new user has signed up and will give me the user name and email address, which I will add to the list.

    I also see a way to limit comments to people who have signed in first. This has advantages. If someone signs up with an invalid email address, they will never get the password to sign in and post their spam comment. WOW Salvation.

    So I guess the biggest concern is having a list of unverified users to send show messages to is cumbersome. Is there a way to make WordPress validate them before it tells me who they are?

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