Hello @tillmanj,
Try adding the code explained in this article to the functions.php file of the child theme with using the sFTP/FTP or cPanel.
It will add OceanWP Settings MetaBox in your custom post types in the edit custom post types in the code.
Next step:
If you want to edit the file, you must write your function to fetch a template using that custom post type.
For example, “Gallery” is a custom post type:
step1 — Copy partials/single folder under child theme and rename the ‘single’ folder to “gallery”.
step2 — Now copy the singular.php file into your child theme and add the below code after the latest elseif.
elseif ( is_singular( 'gallery' ) {
get_template_part( 'partials/gallery/layout' );
step3 — Then go to the modified file under the gallery folder as per your need.
After passing the above steps, you can manage your custom post type in Customize > Blog > Single Post (Settings will have shared and standard options.).
I hope that helps.
Best Regards