• Hey y’all! Please be gentle and kind, i am new to this, and not much of a code guy. I would love to be able to link (say from an email) directly to a specific post – but not to that post’s unique page, rather in the form of an anchor style link that still keeps the visitor on the blog home page. Using a standard HTML anchor link won’t do – because i cant put it in the post title :-(.

    I spent an hour looking for the answer before asking, and the best i could find is this page, which i can’t figure out how to use nor make sense of.


    Everlasting gratitude for your help!

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  • but not to that post’s unique page, rather in the form of an anchor style link that still keeps the visitor on the blog home page.

    Can you explain that a little further? Only I simply can’t get my head around what it is that you’re asking for.

    Thread Starter torah live


    sorry, lemme try again. i want to send a link to this post – https://torahlive.co.il/blog/2011/07/06/45-seconds-and-an-orange – in an email, but do not want the link to go to the page that has only this post. Rather, i would like the link to point to my blog’s main page – https://torahlive.com/blog/ – and jump down to this post.

    like an anchor would usually work, like here – https://www.torahlive.com/programs.htm#enLiVEn – except how do i put an anchor into a post title? or is there another way?

    thanks again!

    You can’t do that as an anchor link of the type that you’re suggesting will only work if the post in currently on the blog’s first page. As soon as the post gets pushed off onto the second page, the link will stop working.

    Is there no way of adding an anchor or something else to a post title or the meta somehow to accomplish this.

    I am trying to figure out how to do the exact same thing. I thought it would be easy and now it is appearing to be impossible for me. ??

    It’s impossible as far as I know. Esmi is right. Usually is!

    Wow thought maybe something might of changed in the last 5 months.

    I was just thinking this is something people would normally want to do.

    So just to clarify there is no way of linking to a post so you can see the other posts above and below it. Only to a single post on its own page.

    bummer for me.

    Yep. That’s right.

    Maybe you could compensate by finding a plugin that flags up the previous and next posts big style.

    Like this, at the end of the post:

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    I thought that it was kind of funny. A 5 month old thread I bring back to life gets attention in less than 5min, and the new thread on the same topic I started never got any responses in a week. But of course I do admit I did not really know how to ask the question properly.

    Guess I will keep looking for a plugin solution for my site.

    Ultimately what I am trying to accomplish is to not have to use the post’s individual pages at all. I have the entire contents of the articles displayed on the main page. I also have the entire contents of the articles being the first post of the topic in simple:press forum. So I do not see any need for me to use or send my visitors to the single post page.

    Thank you again for your quick replies. They are appreciated even if it is not the answer I was wanting ??

    If I understand this forum correctly, we can’t link to an anchor on an external page? For example, my wife has a WordPress page where she has created an anchor: #Books , the page is at:


    Scrolling down on the right, one can see the anchor (hover over “Books” and it highlights).

    She would like to be able to link to that from other pages and also link to that anchor directly from various emails she sends. Is this not possible in WordPress? Is there not a way to put a URL in an email like:


    and have the reader go directly there?


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