• hi!

    i was wondering how to find out a update safe way to allow editors access the plugin. i found out in inc/class-wpsm-table-maker.php to change manage_options to edit_pages, so thats working fine…

    public function add_menu_items() {
    		$this->page_hook = add_menu_page( __('Table Maker', 'wpsm-tableplugin'), __('Table Maker', 'wpsm-tableplugin'), 'manage_options', $this->page_slug, array($this, 'print_page'), $this->base_url . "/img/icon.png" );

    maybe there is any overwrite it or to change up it in generall in the next version.

    thanks for having a look and your great work!


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  • Thank you for posting the solution, I wanted to give editors access too but don’t know enough about WP and PHP to have worked this out.
    Re updates: I agree it would be good to have it changed.
    Not really the answer you want, but in case it helps, I have notes with plugins (using ‘Plugin Notes’ plugin), and with this and another change I have noted there what I may need to change again if / when applying an update.
    I mostly use the notes to remind me what I am using a plugin for, when not obvious, so with important ones like this I make the background pink so they stand out!

    Thank you very much!!! That worked as a charm!

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