If you use our Premium add-on you can do all that via our style builder.
It’s under MC4WP > Forms > (your form) > Appearance > Open style builder.
Don’t forget to also set the form style to “Use style builder”.
You can contact Premium support with the red help button on the right bottom of the screen in any of the plugin’s settings for more support on this.
If you use our free version the styling depends on your WordPress theme and you can further change the styles by writing your own CSS code. Writing that code for you is out of scope for our free support. In this case you would want to write CSS code to set the form labels to a standard width, and increase the width of the input fields and button a bit.
What you could do, in our case, is remove the field labels, and instead set field placeholders. So the placeholder for the email field is “your email” and so on, that would line everything up properly.
Kind regards,