.widget-area .widget .textwidget, .widget-area .widget p, .widget-area .widget li {
text-align: center;
Add the above code to the `style.css’ of your CHILDtheme:
You don’t have a childtheme yet?
1. Install and activate ‘one click childtheme plugin
2. create the childtheme
3. activate the childtheme
4. Make the changes in the CHILDtheme!
– copy php files / css-file(s) of the original theme [as required] to the childtheme directory and edit them as required.
== == ==
About finding out ‘which things to change in your site [css / html / php]
Well it’s all a bit like trying to solve a puzzle.
Fortunately there are good tools for that.
In your browser: Install / activate webdevelopment add-ons / plugins.
Recommended: ‘Firebug’ and ‘webdeveloper: https://www.chrispederick.com ‘
These tools will show you what’s what.
e.g. right-click > inspect elements > click left bottom arrow-icon
click item in webpage
Inspect css on the right
alter css values to test effect / result
OK? copy altered css rule
paste it in the style.css
of your childtheme.
Press <F12> a screen will show in the bottom.
Move the mouse over each line
The area shows in the top-half
Press + to unfold parts
Investigate and alter on the right etc.
paste it in the style.css
of your childtheme.