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  • All in the plugins css.

    I have made the changes in the CSS to be responsive.
    I am having a problem with it working on my iPhone 5 lastest version of iOS, just wondering if you have seen any problem or solutions out there?
    My test environment login works on the iPad and iPad Mini, but not the iPhone 5, it does work on older versions of iPhone. you can see what i mean if you have access to an iPhone.

    Thanks for your time great plug-in

    @mw4designs, could you share how you made the changes to be responsive? Without the changes, the login is coming down outside of the visible area on the iphone 5 unless it is turned into a landscape position.

    This is mw4designs sorry it took me so long
    I am using the 2012 wordpress theme
    Here are the CSS Changes I maded
    to the plugin CSS

    [That’s too much code to paste here – use a pastebin or better yet, post a link to your site – please see: ; it is generally not possible to help with CSS without seeing the site live]

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