There’s no problem!
I was simply trying to remedy an issue, the main reason for striving for valid code is to keep your site running properly. Invalid code can cause unwanted behaviour down the road, especially on Internet Explorer.
Firefox and other browsers are more forgiving. Some people don’t even know they have bad code, because things look good. Hell, on my first couple of themes I tried to make (doing what you are doing now, just plugging things into existing themes) I had terrible code.
Ya gotta start learning somewhere! But if your code is invalid, it may work on some browsers, but not others. Or, it may look fine now, but down the road when you add posts, or images, or something….your layout can go to crap. Then you have to try to track down what went wrong.
Have you been able to track down where to put your logo?
I’d like to help more, but I’ve downloaded that theme to try to look at the code, and its broken every time I download it….. missing most of the files, etc….