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  • there are many ways… here’s one:

    1. upload the image to wordpress ( posts > add new > Upload/Insert > click on the first icon to the right to do an image upload > find the image on your hard drive > MAKE SURE THAT ON ALIGNMENT YOU SELECT: NONE > save all changes

    that you give you something like this:

    <img src="" alt="" title="..." width="424" height="238" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5013" />

    copy and paste this code into your header.php, under the h2 section

    back up all your files before doing so!

    be careful with tranparent gif’s, they can give you a nasty outline!

    Thread Starter brlbeagle


    OK – I’m pasting my image (lets say it’s called logo) where IMGname.gif is, yes?


    did you uploaded the image as I said?

    Can you paste the code found on your header.php here?

    do you understand what i am saying?

    Thread Starter brlbeagle


    Yes I did upload the image – thanks.

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    umm…. the code for an image would not go where you have indicated.

    No display code goes in the <head> section of a website….

    I’ve put on mine and it works fine.

    Instead of just saying it doesn’t go there why don’t give it other minute and help ‘brlbeagle’ on his/her question? ; )

    It can display fine, but the code is invalid
    check for yourself here.

    All code that goes in between the <head> and </head> tags is for instruction type code. Title stuff, meta stuff, scripts, etc. (for use by the browser, not by the person viewing the site)

    All display code (anything intended for the site viewer) goes in between the <body> and </body> tags

    the code provided doesn’t give me enough to work with as the only relevant code is this:

    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="main_content">

    @agnesvarda, I happen to be quite busy. I was waiting for the OP to check back in before spending time on trying to help. Some people just run off after getting their first piece of advice and don’t check back in. Now I do recommend you correct your invalid code in your own theme….

    @brlbeagle if you want your image under your site title, it would go in whatever template controls <div class="description"> if you posted your header.php in its entirety up above, that’s not controlling it

    Thread Starter brlbeagle


    Ouch guys – I didn’t mean to start a problem but thank you both for your help.

    I don’t perceive this as a problem, in fact ‘Rev. Voodoo’ is correct.
    I just think it could get too complicated for you, so I gave you the simpler answer.

    There’s no problem!

    I was simply trying to remedy an issue, the main reason for striving for valid code is to keep your site running properly. Invalid code can cause unwanted behaviour down the road, especially on Internet Explorer.

    Firefox and other browsers are more forgiving. Some people don’t even know they have bad code, because things look good. Hell, on my first couple of themes I tried to make (doing what you are doing now, just plugging things into existing themes) I had terrible code.

    Ya gotta start learning somewhere! But if your code is invalid, it may work on some browsers, but not others. Or, it may look fine now, but down the road when you add posts, or images, or something….your layout can go to crap. Then you have to try to track down what went wrong.

    Have you been able to track down where to put your logo?
    I’d like to help more, but I’ve downloaded that theme to try to look at the code, and its broken every time I download it….. missing most of the files, etc….

    Thread Starter brlbeagle


    OK so if I follow the thought here you’re saying that this COULD work for now and if I later had to change my code I could but essentially, if I pasted my image info into the space above it may work?

    yes it should work, even though it is not a clean code it will display your image.

    Thread Starter brlbeagle


    Agnes I’m sorry – if my photo name is just logo can you tell me exactly what to paste into your string?

    ok… I went to your site and there’s no contact button there. If you add one I can help you via email, it will be much easier. If you don’t wanna do that, you image code should look something like this:

    <img src=”…IMGname.gif&#8221; alt=”” title=”…” width=”424″ height=”238″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-5013″ />

    …you have to get the url where it is uploaded, so the browser can find it.

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