• Hi all,

    I wonder if U could allign the logo in the middle of the navbar and adding the search bar in the uppper of the website something like this


    mainly I need to know how to add the search bar in the upper of the website then chaning the CSS will be easy

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  • Michael


    Hi and thank you bath! you are the man!
    worked perfectly! Cheers

    Hey everyone,

    So I’m pretty new to this stuff, but I’ve been reading a buttload and I think I got how this should work. I also want to replace the tagline with a search bar. However, when I add the code as provided by Micheal into my chil functions.php, nothing changes at all…

    As I said, I am new to this, so maybe I set up the functions.php wrong?
    I’m also not exactly sure where in the fuctions.php to paste this code so that might be it? Probably the answer is pretty simple.

    Thanks in advance

    Ah I think I know what went wrong, my child functions.php is not set up to override the main functions.php. Can someone tell me how to getthat done?

    Now used “Child Themify” plugin for the creation of the child theme so that’s working fine (even though it was allready) just cant seem to get the search bar working

    @michael – should your code work in my v3.10 child functions.php? I badly want it to but it seems to do nothing.

    My Search widget is still in its place in the sidebar and nothing has appeared in the header.

    This is very nearly my last task on this never-ending localhost project. If I can get the Search tool where I want it (top right in the tagline position) I can start trying to go live…if I can just live long enough.

    Thanks for any help.

    @chappie @michael – Same here, would really like this one to work, quite a fundamental function. I wil continue to scour the webz for an anwer and post if I find something that works, hope you will do the same.

    @sky . Design – as luck would have it, I didn’t have to go far for the answer. d4z_c0nf’s solution works like a charm for me.

    @chappie – That does seem to be a nice workaround. Issue is, my navbar is sticky to the top of the screen, and I would like to keep it that way. So adding a search bar above the navbar that is stuck to the top of the screen…sounds like this will cause some problems… anyone with thoughts on this?

    Thanks chappie for the input, I might end up unsticking the navbar if all else fails.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Sure can do, been rollin’ in this one for a couple of days already but sure why not

    There’s now a snippet for this in any case. Please open a new thread if you have problems with the snippet.

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