• i already create a code that working with regular search wordpress, but how to implementing to relevanssi light? i use regular relevanssi but it very slow

    $synonyms = array(
    'car' => array('automobile', 'vehicle', 'auto', 'motor'),
    'bread' => array('food', 'feast', 'loaf', 'bun')
    ); // Modify the WordPress search query to include synonyms
    function add_synonyms_to_search($query) {
    // Check if it is a search query and not in admin area
    if ($query->is_search && !is_admin()) {
    // Get the original search term
    $search_term = $query->get('s');
    // Split the search term into words
    $words = explode(' ', $search_term);
    // Loop through each word
    foreach ($words as $word) {
    // Check if the word has any synonyms in the array
    if (array_key_exists($word, $synonyms)) {
    // Loop through each synonym
    foreach ($synonyms[$word] as $synonym) {
    // Add the synonym to the query with an OR operator
    $query->set('s', $query->get('s') . ' OR ' . $synonym);
    // Return the modified query
    return $query;
    // Hook the function to the pre_get_posts action
    add_action('pre_get_posts', 'add_synonyms_to_search');

    how to implementing it to relevanssi light?

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  • Plugin Author Mikko Saari


    Have you tried that code with Relevanssi Light? It looks like it should work pretty well. Try replacing the “OR” operator with a comma, the natural language fulltext mode Relevanssi Light uses doesn’t use operators, but has an implicit OR operator.

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