• Resolved bootybandit


    Hey Guys & Gal

    I have the 3 colum them and currentley i have my sidebar on my left nav how can i add another side bar so it goes on the right nav. So i can have seperate content on each nav?


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  • Warning!
    The site linked from the poster’s name is not safe to be viewed at work! (or under 18:)

    Thread Starter bootybandit


    I didn’t ask any one to stare at my site i took it down since you are making a big deal I SIMPLY asked the question how to make a side bar appear on the left and right nav!


    1. Let me assure you, it was never my intention to “stare” at your site; the majority of the helpers here are never interested in the content, never read it – simply we cannot afford this kind of pleasure ?? = no time for it.
    2. Despite what you think, your question is very theme specific, so without seeing the theme it cannot be answered.
    3. If the poster doesn’t provide a link, but there is a site linked to his/her name – almost everybody would click on it.
    4. I know for a fact that many helpers are browsing these fora from a workplace computer.
    5. My warning wasn’t something unique: I have seen it many times. It’s elementary politness to warn the forum members what to expect.
    6. Which theme are you trying to modify?

    Thread Starter bootybandit


    Hey Moshu,

    It’s the threecolumn theme from https://www.alexking.org/index.php?content=software/wordpress/styles.php
    And i didn’t mean to put my link up in my profile for people to look at thought with the description i gave someone could help sorry for any miss understanding and its for a different blog site i built!

    If by “3 colum them” you mean this one:


    You’d need to edit the rightnav.php template. If for some reason you want to reload the sidebar on the right side, you cannot reuse get_sidebar() in it as this will only load the sidebar template once. For that you’ll want to use a regular PHP include, like this:

    <?php include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidebar.php'); ?>

    But it’s more likely you’ll want a different set of elements on the right side than the sidebar that loads on the left.

    Thread Starter bootybandit


    Hey Kafkaesqui

    Yes i would like different stuff on the left nav bar from the right nav bar. I tried creating this but it didn’t work
    <div id=”rightnav”>
    <?php get_sidebar2(); ?>
    I put that in the right nav template but it didn’t work, I also added the lines to the header where it asks for left and right nav?

    Thank you

    The alexking site you linked above shows “styles” which were used in WP 1.2. If you are using WP 1.5 and above you should search the “themes” section.

    <?php get_sidebar2(); ?>

    That won’t work because there’s no WordPress function called get_sidebar2(). You’ll have to figure out what you want in the right nav sidebar and add those elements manually. What you might do is copy a few functions (that is, template tags) from sidebar.php and place them in the rightnav.php. You can then get an idea of what you want displayed on both.

    Another option is to think about possible plugins you could install to make use of the (currently empty) space, such as a list of recent comments, shoutbox-like feature, and so on.

    Thread Starter bootybandit



    I tried adding sidebar2 to the page.php, header.php and rightnav.php but no luck it didn’t work i also just tried to add simple text to the right side but only thing that would come up is rightnav that’s it. Any other ideas?


    I don’t like writing the same thing twice, but:

    That won’t work because there’s no WordPress function called get_sidebar2().

    Please reread my last reply, and my mention of using a PHP include further above.

    Thread Starter bootybandit


    Hey Kafkaesqui

    Thank you so much i figured out how to get it on both sides. Much appreciated the help!

    Thanks again

    Can I use the same advice to put a left sidebar (the content inside the sidebar I can handle) in a theme like this? https://kioshi.org/gadgetboy/

    I just need a sidebar just like the right one in size and colors, which would be the simplest way to do that? I’ll put different content there like some php scripts and stuff but that I can easily do. Just too new to wordpress ??


    Could anyone help me, please? ??

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