• Resolved Konstatninos



    I have created a repeater group of fields. In the form tab I have created a repeater group, and inside I’ve nested a couple of text fields. In the Mail tab I can see the shortcodes for the original text fields inside the repeater, but what if my end-user creates and additional group of those fields? Where does that input map to? How can I use that input in my outgoing email?


    [repeater repeater-949-product-to-return title:'Product' button:'Add Product' initial_rows:1 max:19]

    <label>Product ID: [text product-id]</label>
    <label>Barcode: [text product-barcode]</label>
    <label>Qty: [number number-990-quantity min:1 max:100 "1"]
    checkbox checkbox-950-refund use_label_element "Refund"]


    In the Mail tab I can only see [product-id] [product-barcode] [number-990-quantity] [checkbox-950-refund] as options, but if my user adds another product to return, then what shortcodes should I use?

    Would [number-991-quantity] and [checkbox-951-refund] works for example? What about the [product-id] and [product-barcode]?

    I want my email receiver to see the data grouped in products.

    Please advise.

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