If you had actually read the links I gave you, it would be a lot easier for you to understand what it’s talking about. You don’t need to know PHP, you just need to know English.
Right after “I give in. How do I fix up my theme?”, there is an example that is *exactly* suited to your sidebar code. If you simply implemented that just like it shows you how to do, then you wouldn’t have to expect other people to do things for you.
And just below that is a bit where it talks about adding four lines to your functions.php file, which is really easy as you probably don’t even have a functions.php file already. So just make a new one and add those 4 lines to it. Simple.
If you follow both of those steps (add 3 lines to your sidebar and 4 lines to functions.php, all of which it GIVES to you in the example), and then installed the widget plugin, then we wouldn’t have to have this discussion. You’d be done already, happily dragging and dropping any kind of widgets on your sidebar that you wanted to.