You can use the theme editor (under Appearance) to add the pagination links, but you need to know the right template. Themes vary on this, there are plugins to help you identify the right template. You also need to know where to put the link code. This can be through trial and error, provided you do so while maintaining proper syntax. This could prove to be very frustrating if you have no coding experience.
You shouldn’t try to modify an active theme. Switch to another before attempting to edit your theme. If your theme is subject to updates, you shouldn’t modify it at all. Instead, create a child theme and edit that. While child themes can be relatively easy to set up, if you have no PHP coding experience it will likely be very difficult for you to do correctly. Hiring expert help may not be as extreme of a solution as it might initially sound.
I’m glad paginate_links()
works for kernix, but I’d avoid that one. Without passing the right parameters, it will typically not work correctly. Passing the right parameters can be tricky for a novice.