First login is always without the F2A, because it has to be configured.
when you haven’t a F2a active you will not get an F2A check.
Because you are unable to answer that, you don’t have any F2A set up,yet ??
Then you have to scan it’s QR-code and answer the question,
is’s setup to check to be 100% sure it is correctly configured.
Only then F2A is active for all the next logins of that user.
Only then you are allowed to enter the website.
There is no way to bypass F2A without the app, unless you have rescue codes.
If you even get shut out of your website because of an F2A malfunction
or loss of phone and no rescue codes.
the only way to get access if to manually remove or rename it’s plugin folder in the wordpress plugins folder..
Only after logging in, and restoring this, making it active again
you can scan a new QR to get control back.
That is the only way, to my knowledge, to get your login to work again after it fails
or you lost the device and don’t have rescue codes.
It’s pretty secure ????
Love ??,