Hello @jmwolski23,
As much as I would love to help this is not possible natively with Allegiant Pro.
This can only be done with custom coding at the moment.
However, if you are looking to add only one section you can do this using a static front-page.
First you will need to create a page then go to Appearance > Customize > General Theme Options > Homepage Settings > A static page > a static page > choose the page you just created > save.
Then go to that page > edit it > and inside the content editor add your content.
Can you please tell where in our documentation did you read this as there seems to be misunderstanding somewhere in there.
We did our best to create clear and concise theme descriptions, and we would like to take a second look and improve it.
Also, please keep in mind that according to WordPress’ guidelines:
We cannot answer support questions related to Allegiant PRO here.
For further questions about the pro theme please contact us through our form here.
Thank you for understanding,
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by