There is already tel:// define what some apps like whatsapp can detect on mobile.
Please check we have some docs here for exact whatsapp link: https://wpdirectorykit.com/documentation/#!/listing_preview_layout_builder
We have described how you can use as listing field link:
As value, use https://wa.me/<number> where the <number> is a full phone number in international format. Omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes when adding the phone number in international format.
system will auto detect if thats url, and will make link, but will show field label text instead
You can also use some third parity plugins for whatsapp or similar and put phone number as shortcode.
If this is not enough for you and you need something different or on different place, please contact us here with al ldetails: https://wpdirectorykit.com/contact.html
We will do our best to help you!
You are welcome!