• hello .
    I just would like to know how the code of footer looks like if I want add image and copyright 2008 in the footer .

    the image avaible inside the wordpress theme file it self under folder called images ..

    so please show me how the code should look like ?

    thank you

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  • just change that image.

    look at the footer.php

    to customize themes you don’t need to know much PHP. All you need to know about it you can find in the WordPress Codex. You do need basic knowledge of (X)HTML to edit the content and be pretty familiar with CSS to change the design of the blog/site.

    If you want to learn (X)HTML and CSS there is a great site called HTML Dog which has tutorials that teach you everything you need to know. It also teaches you to do things the “right” way instead of the “looks alright” way like 90% of the websites do.



    coolman775: Open up footer.php (which you could do by going to WordPress Administration Panel => Design => Theme Editor => Footer) then add in the following code before ‘</body>’ and ‘</html>’.

    Image code looks like this:

    ‘<img src=”https://mydomain.com/myimagefolder/image.format&#8221; alt=”Image Description”>’

    You can learn more about XHTML at W3 Schools.com.

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