Theme InformationTheme NamePhotologyTheme Version1.1.3
WordPress EnvirontmentHome URL URLhttps://www.sumitmoulik.comLogin URL Version6.2.2WP MultisiteWP Debug ModeEnabled?Only enable WP DEBUG if you are on development server, once on production server, you will need to disable WP DebugPHP Memory Limit256MWP Memory Limit256MWP Languageen_USWriteable Upload DirectoryNumber of Category3Number of Tag0
Server EnvirontmentServer InfoApachePHP Version7.4.33PHP Post Max Size32MPHP Time Limit30??max_execution_time should be bigger than 3000, otherwise import process may not finished as expectedPHP Max Input Vars1000??max_input_vars should be bigger than 2000, otherwise you may not able to save setting on option panelSUHOSIN InstalledWP Remote GetPHP Image library installedPHP GD library installedPHP GD WebP supportedPHP fileinfo library installedCURL Installed
Installed PluginAkismet Anti-Spam: Spam Protectionby?Automattic – Anti Spam Team? –?5.2Contact Form 7by?Takayuki Miyoshi? –?5.7.7Display Postsby?Bill Erickson? –?3.0.2Final Tiles Grid Gallery – Image Galleryby?WPChill? –?3.5.8Gutenverseby?Jegstudio? –?1.8.6Justified Galleryby?Mateusz Czardybon? –?1.8.1Limit Login Attempts Reloadedby?Limit Login Attempts Reloaded? –?2.25.20Smart Slider 3by?Nextend? –? Balloon Instagram Feedby?Smash Balloon? –?6.1.5Text CAPTCHA Contact Form 7by?Saurav Sharma? –?1.0.0WP Mail SMTPby?WP Mail SMTP? –?3.8.0Yoast SEOby?Team Yoast? –?20.11