• Hi guys,

    I’ve spent a few hours reading relevant info on RSS news feeds but still have no clue how to make this happen. I’d like to add an RSS feed (from Google news, keyword ‘finance’) to my blog – to the side bar, below the Categories. I installed WP-o-Matic into plugins… that’s as far as I got. What should I do now? I don’t know anything about code, etc, so would appreciate very detailed instructions I can just copy and paste somewhere.

    Thanks for your help.


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  • Hi

    Try using the RSS feed widget. It makes what you want to do very simple.

    To find the widget, in Admin go to Appearances in the left column, click once, and then select Widgets from the choices. Drag the RSS Feed widget on to the sidebar you wish to add it to.

    Here is a short video on how to complete the RSS widget form

    I used to be able to do a search on Google and then copy the resulting RSS url and put it into the RSS Feed widget. Now, when I do that, the titles and links show up, but nothing happens when I click on the link. I copied the link and put it into a new browser window…same thing. Has Google done something to change their feeds?

    here’s an example of a link in the feed:Link

    I guess no one else is having this problem. I think it’s because the url being passed to google news isn’t url encoded. I’m seeing this:https://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=https:// yadda instead of: https://news.google.com/news/url?fd=R&sa=T&url=http%3A%2F%2F

    Manually editing the url parameter to be url encoded makes it work.

    Now to try and figure out a work around.

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