Hello Amrit Kumar. hope you are doing well.
It seems you are creating the registration form using the form builder dashboard and assuming it is the login form. (No, I created a registration form and assume it is a registration form).
Please check this documentation:?https://docs.wpeverest.com/user-registration/docs/how-to-show-account-profile/?and follow the setup account page instructions. The account page will display the login form when the user is not logged into your site. (Yes, I already read that and set up the account page / login form as per instructions. I understand that account page (for logged in user) itself is a login page (for logged out user) )
With the current feature of the plugin, you can customize the login form and set redirection according to the custom login form fields. We have a feature to redirect users automatically according to their roles. For more details, please check this link?https://docs.wpeverest.com/user-registration/docs/user-registration-pro/#role-based-redirection (Please suggest how can I add one extra radio button in the login form as shown in image – link is given below (User Name:……, Password:…….., Radio button – select any one (a) …(b)…. , SUBMIT).
login — Postimages (postimg.cc)
Now, when the user login with clicked on “Author” button – redirect to “site.com/author-page”, and when the user login with clicked on “Reviewer” button – redirect to “site.com/reviewer-page”.
Hope this is clarified now. Thanks. Looking for your response.