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  • Thread Starter Yossif


    Anyone there? Hello? Isn’t this something simple to answer??



    What exceptions did you mean? Did you mean you want to use this Better WP Security on your site that thas W3 Total Cache installed?

    I’m using both Better WP Security and W3 Total Cache on my website, it’s working correctly, no any additional configuration needed.

    Some suggestion:

    1. Make necessary backup, both files and database.

    2. Also make backup of theses files: .htaccess, wp-settings.php. In most cases, if Better WP Security breaks your site, simply copy/paste those files from backups can restore your website.

    3. Make sure you have installed W3 Total Cache and your website is working correctly before install Better WP Security. After installing Better WP Security, you need to empty all caches.

    4. Many features in Better WP Security could breaks your website because high memory demand, incompatibility issues with your webhost, etc. So it is good to enable one-by-one and test it before you enable another new feature.

    5. These features are frequently reported has problems and have high potential to cause your website not working: Enable Away Mode, Change wp-content directory, Enable Scheduled Backups, Change Database Prefix, SSL.

    6. You should read the information provided before you enable anything in the plugin. Don’t eanble it if you don’t understand.

    Thread Starter Yossif


    Thank you for those tips.

    Specifically, I was having trouble with the page cache. It would keep saying that something was wrong when trying to access the .htaccess, which I figured was through the better security plugin. When I did research about it, people kept saying to add W3 Total Cache access to the “security exceptions” on the WP Better security plugin.

    I figured this is just some code I’d have to place somewhere in the plugin’s options or CSS, but I am no coder so I’m not sure what to do.

    In the meantime I’ll keep playing with it, but if there’s a way to prevent future issues via an exceptions list, how do I do that?




    Not sure, what can really help, but you should try:

    Did you enable File Change Detection on Better WP Security? Goto menu > Security > Intrusion Detection > File Change Detection > Enable File Change Detection.

    I suggest you not to enable it. This feature will increase your server load and memory usage. And if you really want to enable it, you might need to set the File/Directory Check List, by filling it with your cache directory (default:\wp-content\cache).

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