I understand that you would like to link the email activation link to the WooCommerce message when a new account is created. Here’s how you can set this up:
- Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Email Verification -> Email -> Email Template, and select WooCommerce.
- Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Email Verification -> Email -> WC Email Template, select WooCommerce, and then choose Email.
- Finally, head to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Email -> Manage New Account, and in the Additional Content section, add the following:
<p>Please <a href="%verification_url%" target="_blank">click here</a> to verify your email on <a href="%site_url%" target="_blank">%site_title%</a>.</p>
This should configure the system to send an automatic WooCommerce email with the activation link.
I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.
Thanks and best regards,