• Resolved Apfelbiss


    We want to add a conversion tracking to the shop. The basic function worked on the Cart page for testing, but I couldn’t transform it for the Thankyou page:

    <?php date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin');
    if (!session_id()) { session_start(); };
    if ( get_query_var('referrerid') != '' ) { $referrerid = get_query_var('referrerid'); $_SESSION['referrerid'] === $referrerid; };
    if(isset($_SESSION['referrerid'])) { $sess_referrerid = $_SESSION['referrerid']; } ?>
    <img alt="." src="https://externalhost.xyz/tracking.gif?referrerid=<?php echo $sess_referrerid; ?>&date=<?php echo date('Y-m-d'); ?>%20<?php echo date('h:ia'); ?>&purchaseTotal=<?php echo WC()->cart->subtotal_ex_tax ?><?php
    		$counter = 0;
    			foreach ( WC()->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item ) {
    			$_product     = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_product', $cart_item['data'], $cart_item, $cart_item_key );
    			$product_id   = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_product_id', $cart_item['product_id'], $cart_item, $cart_item_key );
    			$manufacturer = wp_get_post_terms( $_product->id, $attribute['name'], 'pa_hersteller' );
    			if ( $_product && $_product->exists() && $cart_item['quantity'] > 0 && apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_visible', true, $cart_item, $cart_item_key ) && ( $manufacturer = 'manufacturer-to-track' ) ) { ?>&p<?php echo $counter; ?>=sku=<?php echo $_product->get_sku(); ?>;singlePrice=<?php echo $_product->get_price(); ?>;qty=<?php echo $cart_item['quantity']; } } ?>" style="width:1px; height:1px" />

    On the Thankyou page (whether added in checkout/thankyou.php or order/order-details.php) the link for the tracking.gif ends after the (correct) subtotal. The code:

    <?php date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin');
    global $product;
    if (!session_id()) { session_start(); };
    if ( get_query_var('referrerid') != '' ) { $referrerid = get_query_var('referrerid'); $_SESSION['referrerid'] === $referrerid; };
    if(isset($_SESSION['referrerid'])) { $sess_referrerid = $_SESSION['referrerid']; } ?>
    <img alt="." src="https://externalhost.xyz/tracking.gif?referrerid=<?php echo $sess_referrerid; ?>&date=<?php echo date('Y-m-d'); ?>%20<?php echo date('h:ia'); ?>&purchaseTotal=<?php echo $order->get_subtotal( $item ) ?><?php
    		$counter = 0;
    		$items = $order->get_items();
    			foreach ($order_items as $item_id => $item) {
    			$_product     = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_product', $order_item['data'], $order_item, $order_item_key );
    			$product_id   = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_product_id', $order_item['product_id'], $order_item, $order_item_key );
    			$manufacturer = wp_get_post_terms( $_product->id, $attribute['name'], 'pa_hersteller' );
    			?>&p<?php echo $counter; ?>=sku=<?php echo $_product->get_sku(); ?>;singlePrice=<?php echo $_product->get_price(); ?>;qty=<?php echo $order_item['quantity']; } ?>" style="width:1px; height:1px" />

    What has to be changed to get the product details into the tracking.gif-link, so that it is at least working as on the Cart page?

    There are also some points that don’t work even on the Cart page at this moment, but the most important is the adaption as explained above.

    1. At this moment, the tracking pixel is created on every order and with all products. I have added some code (at cart page) to add only the product details from products of the relevant manufacturer, but it doesn’t work.

    2. According to No. 1 the tracking pixel shouldn’t be embedded, if there is no product from “manufacturer-to-track”.

    3. The referrerid (an URL GET parameter) has to be saved for the session. The users, that are relevant for the tracking, will come into the shop via an URL with referrerid onto the product site.
    When the test is working, I will put these two lines not into the Thankyou page, but into the product details template:

    if (!session_id()) { session_start(); };
    if ( get_query_var('referrerid') != '' ) { $referrerid = get_query_var('referrerid'); $_SESSION['referrerid'] === $referrerid;

    At the moment, the referrerid in the link is empty, when putting the code from the $sess_referrerid into it.


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  • Thread Starter Apfelbiss


    This is the actual code (“farbe” ist the selected variation, which works fine in the output):

    add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'my_custom_tracking' );
    function my_custom_tracking( $order_id ) { 
    $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); ?>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="tracking.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var order = kswp.purchaseTracking.createOrder();
    order.purchasetotal = <?php echo $order->get_subtotal(); ?>;
    order.currency = 'EURO';
    <?php $counter = 0;
    		$items = $order->get_items();
    		foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
    			$product = $item['data'];
    			$counter++; ?>
    order.sku<?php echo $counter; ?> = '<?php echo $product->get_sku(); ?>';
    order.name<?php echo $counter; ?> = '<?php echo $item['name'] . ', ' . $item['farbe']; ?>';
    order.unitprice<?php echo $counter; ?> = <?php echo $order->get_item_total( $item ); ?>;
    order.qty<?php echo $counter; ?> = <?php echo $item['qty']; ?>;
    <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>
    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    Ah, replace:

    $product = $item['data'];


    $product = $order->get_product_from_item( $item );

    And you’re done.

    Thread Starter Apfelbiss


    Thak you, now it works ??

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