Hello Mr. @ahmedkaludi
my site link
my current set up to amp-auto-ads is
1- amp-auto-ads ad code after the <body> tag.only in single.php
wp-content / plugins / accelerated-mobile-pages / templates / design-manager / design-1/single.php
screen shot of after body amp-auto-ads
2- amp-auto-ads script in the <head>
setting / advanced setting / enter HTML in header
3 – amp RTL Support ON .
here are the result:
screenshot of amp-auto-ads with RTL Support ON
but when i turn RTL suppourt off
the AD alignment is perfect but my content is mixed.
screenshot of amp-auto-ads while RTL Support OFF
so please fix amp-auto-ads for sites with RTL support ON, so we could have perfect content and amp-auto-ads together.
Thank You in Advance Mr. @ahmedkaludi