• Resolved backpackingseries


    Hi there!

    I want to include icons for Bloglovin‘ and Flipboard in Jetpack’s social icons widget. Can someone please advice how to?

    PS: For the the current configuration of social icons on my site, please refer to the sidebar on this story page.

    Thank you,

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  • Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi there!

    We don’t have any official Bloglovin’ and Flipboard buttons at the moment, but you may want to try getting your customised one by following the steps listed here:

    Give it a go and let me know if that works out for you ??

    Thread Starter backpackingseries



    Thank you for your response.

    I already used that link to create a Flipboard ‘sharing’ button visible under every post. I am now looking for a Flipboard icon to be displayed inside the Social Icons (Jetpack) widget that appears in the site’s sidebar with a title ‘Follow us‘. Flipboard offers the following code for creating a button:

    <a data-flip-widget="ico" href="https://flipboard.com/@Backpacking73vi?utm_campaign=tools&utm_medium=follow&action=follow"><img src="https://cdn.flipboard.com/badges/flipboard_mbsw.png" alt="Flipboard" /></a><script src="https://cdn.flipboard.com/web/buttons/js/flbuttons.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    How could I include this custom Flipboard button in this Social Icons (Jetpack) widget?

    Thank you
    Kind regards

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Oh I see what you mean.

    Can you try using the filter you can find at the link below?

    Let me know if that helps!

    Thread Starter backpackingseries


    Thank you very much.

    Since I am not a programmer, it took a while to read all of that ??

    So, looks like I need to add a filter for Flipboard and Bloglovin icons. The example I noticed on GitHub to add LinkedIn uses Genericons.

    Would the following code work (I replaced the example references to LinkedIN with Flipboard)? to add a custom social icon for Flipboard?

    function jetpackme_flipboard( $html_array ) {
            $html_array +
                25 =>    // This key can be modified to change the order the new item will appear in the list
                    '<a title="Flipboard" '
                    . 'href="https://flipboard.com/@Backpacking73vi" '
                    . 'class="genericon genericon-linkedin" target="_blank">'
                    . '<span class="screen-reader-text">Flipboard</span></a>'
    add_filter( 'jetpack_social_media_icons_widget_array', 'jetpackme_flipboard' );

    Or do I need to do something else (for instance what happens with the code that Flipboard provided – pasted in my previous message)?

    Could you please suggest.

    Thank you
    Kind regards

    Thread Starter backpackingseries


    PS: I just noticed, the code above uses class="genericon genericon-linkedin" and genericons (here) currently do not have an icon for Flipboard.

    Does that mean I need to use a different font system?

    Kind regards

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    That’s a good question! I wonder if you could try tweaking the CSS code and add any of those? https://about.flipboard.com/social-plugins/?tool=follow

    I’m afraid there’s no Flipboard genericon, so you’ll need to find an alternative that works out with that.

    Thread Starter backpackingseries


    Thank you for your message.

    Just for me to understand, are you suggesting to insert the Flipboard JS (below) into the CSS customizer under Dashboard-Appearance or something else?

    <a data-flip-widget="ico" href="https://flipboard.com/@Backpacking73vi?utm_campaign=tools&utm_medium=follow&action=follow"><img src="https://cdn.flipboard.com/badges/flipboard_mbsw.png" alt="Flipboard" /></a><script src="https://cdn.flipboard.com/web/buttons/js/flbuttons.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter backpackingseries


    I should have mentioned, I have also enqueued fontawesome (that has the Flipboard icon) with the following code:

    function wmpudev_enqueue_icon_stylesheet() {
    wp_register_style( 'fontawesome', 'https:////maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css' );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'fontawesome');
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wmpudev_enqueue_icon_stylesheet' );

    With that, how can I modify the GitHub code to add the Flipboard icon now?

    function jetpackme_flipboard( $html_array ) {
            $html_array +
                25 =>    // This key can be modified to change the order the new item will appear in the list
                    '<a title="Flipboard" '
                    . 'href="https://flipboard.com/@Backpacking73vi" '
                    . 'class="genericon genericon-linkedin" target="_blank">'
                    . '<span class="screen-reader-text">Flipboard</span></a>'
    add_filter( 'jetpack_social_media_icons_widget_array', 'jetpackme_flipboard' );

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support lizkarkoski


    Howdy –

    I think you’re going to keep that same basic code but change the line with the class to use something like this.

    Thread Starter backpackingseries


    Thank you very much for the help. That seems like a good, workable idea!

    PS: Apologies, something’s come up. I am going to have to test this after a little while. Meanwhile, marking this as resolved.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support lizkarkoski


    No worries ?? We will be here if you need anything else.

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