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  • i got the motorcycle.

    hi, I′M NEW HERE!

    Thanks for the theme, it looks fantastic, but, i use the free version and I practice before buy the pay versión,
    But I have problemas with mi home page, it doesnt looks anything.

    maybe SOMETHING doesn′t work well. I ha dto put the entries (blog) and it looks terrible!!!

    can you help me?


    I like what you did with your site.
    May I ask how you got each segment to “Bounce” when you scrolled to that area?

    The underlying issue here is if you only have one blog category (such as slideshow), the Customizer never actually saves the category because there’s only one. And the code is set up to only show the custom featured image if a category has been selected.

    So the workaround is to create another category and add a post that is in that category, then go back to the Customizer and select your slideshow category and Save & Publish. Now your featured images should be coming up and you can go ahead delete the extra post and category that you created.

    Hope that helps.

    hey dielange,
    there is an issue bro, the slider is not responsive, when i open my site in mobile, it shows only center of the slider, can u help me in that?

    Sorry it is not solved. If you follow this link it is not good.
    The motorcycle image is still standing no matter what you do.
    Is there any solution?

    Hey my friends look at modality/assets/ inside you will find the slide1.jpg
    Just replace it with your own picture and the exact name slide1.jpg and you are done!

    So simple!

    Merry Christmass to everyone….

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