1. Begin by Editing Your Front Page through your Admin Panel.
2. Create a New Row through Site Origin’s Page Builder.
3. Choose 3 Columns from Drop-down Menu provided from Page Builder when you create that new row.
4. Fill each Column in that New Row with either a Page Builder Widget, OR preferably a Moesia FP Widget.
5. Fill in each chosen Widget with your intended Content.
6. If you don’t find a Widget that meets your needs, Site Origin also offers an additional Free Widgets Bundle in the WP Plugins Directory.
7. Drag your new Row up/down to position you desire on that edited page.
8. Make sure that you UPDATE/SAVE your changes to that Editing process of your Front Page.
9. ALWAY add numerous Single word TAGS to each of your Forum Topics to make it easier for others to find your requests or questions.
10. Ask someone else if this doesn’t help you out.