go to your dashboard, appearance, edit…
look on the right for content.php..
under <section class=”entry-content”>
paste this…
$custom_fields = get_post_custom(get_the_ID());
$my_custom_field = $custom_fields['postid'];
$enddiv = '</div>';
$lcounter = 0;
foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key => $value ){
if($lcounter == 0):
echo '<div id="linksbar" style="width:100%; height:140px; float:left; display:visable; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px;">';
elseif($lcounter/4 == 1):
echo '<div id="linksbar" style="width:100%; height:140px; float:left; display:visable; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px;">';
echo '<div id="imageandlink" style="width:100px; margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px;
height:100%; float:left;"><div id="yourimage" style="width:100%; height:100px;
float:left;"><a href="';
echo get_permalink($value);
echo '"><img height="100px" width="100px" src="';
echo get_the_post_thumbnail($value, 'small');
echo '"></img></a></div><a href="';
echo get_permalink($value);
echo '">';
echo get_the_title($value);
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
$newcount = ceil($i/5);
echo str_repeat($enddiv, $newcount);
go to your page or post, at the top right you will see screen options… click that, and then click custom fields…
all you have to do now is scroll down to the custom fields area, and enter in the name column: “post id”
with no quotations….
then the the post id of the page you would like listed out… quick way to find it, open another browser window, and go to the page, look at the top, it should say page id 300 or 205 or whatever…
for each link you want in your page, add another, postid and number..
the code will automatically line up 4, and go to the next line, and make 4 more…
you also have to have a post thumbnail set….
load it up, tell me when its done and we will tweak from there…