• We have a Facebook fan-page, and we have tried to add the fan-button to our WP blog.
    WE tried to put the code in the widgets, text first and then tag-clouds, but it did not work.
    How can we do that ?

    Pearl Shanti and Andiran

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  • Try this in a text widget:

    a title=”Visit Us on Facebook” href=”url of facebook fan page here”>
    <img style=”border: 0pt none;” src=”url of facebook image/icon here” border=”0″ alt=”Visit Us on Facebook” width=”60″ height=”60″ /></a

    place an < in front of the first a and an > after the last a.

    < a and / a > (no spaces)

    hope this works!

    https://www.webstyley.com check out my site for an example

    <a title="Visit Us On Facebook" href="url of facebook fan page here" target="_blank">
    <img style="border: 0pt none;" src="url of facebook image/icon here" border="0" alt="Visit WebStyley on Facebook" width="60" height="60" /></a>

    I have been wanting to update this post with the actual code. When I first answered I didn’t put it in correctly.

    so here you go everyone

    an example can still be found at https://www.webstyley.com

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