• Resolved sbdm05


    I need your help please to make it work: nothing appears on front end

    So i have copied this into function.php: (sorry for the long message)

    add_action( 'cmb2_init', 'badge_register_user_profile_metabox' );
     * Hook in and add a metabox to add fields to the user profile pages
    function badge_register_user_profile_metabox() {
    	// Start with an underscore to hide fields from custom fields list
    	$prefix = '_badge_user_';
    	 * Metabox for the user profile screen
    	$cmb_user = new_cmb2_box( array(
    		'id'               => $prefix . 'edit',
    		'title'            => __( 'User Profile Metabox', 'cmb2' ),
    		'object_types'     => array( 'user' ), // Tells CMB to use user_meta vs post_meta
    		'show_names'       => true,
    		'new_user_section' => 'add-new-user', // where form will show on new user page. 'add-existing-user' is only other valid option.
    	) );
    	$cmb_user->add_field( array(
    		'name'    => __( 'Badge', 'cmb2' ),
    		'desc'    => __( 'field description (optional)', 'cmb2' ),
    		'id'      => $prefix . 'badge',
    		'type'    => 'file',
    	) );

    it appears in the back end
    I uploaded an image.

    I put this code to display the image:
    // Grab the metadata from the database
    $file = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘_badge_file’, true );

    // Echo the metadata
    echo $file; ?>

    Nothing appears though…

    Could someone please explain me what I am doing wrong?

    Many thanks for your help on this!



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