Hi, thanks for this, sorry late answer
trying to get the plugin with what you told me , I still have some issues.
something is not clear, with what you told me : a company should be first created, then the user.
what I do not get is that even if I create a company first, when I create the contact, I cannot make this contact MAIN company owner contact !
I don’t get it.
and when I add a contact, after I cannot add this contact direct into this company
in witch sense I should add my contacts ?
I would like to understand the UX/workflow.
couldn’t find any info in the FAQ.
2/ I understand that the CRM contacts are not WP users.
also I saw into Settings for CRM Contact. the option to Auto Import new user as crm contact.
I would like to make it the other sense. I saw the option to make an CRM user Wp user.
what is the reason this is not by default activated ? Again I am wondering to understand how it works.
Is there any hook or filter I can use to make this automatic ?
On my front end site I have login/pwd access into private area. My CRM contact should initiate session there. But as CRM doesn’t have the feature to have pwd, I must have CRM user WP user.
The unique thing witch is not optimized is that the whole user info in DB are copied from ERP tables to WP tables. Much more lines.
Another question, when the user is updated into CRM admin page, does the WP user updated too ?
Because the option Make this CRM user WP user checked, it is automatic ?
Also the email sent to contact when we make it WP user uses the wp email ?
thanks for help