• Resolved FrankBukowski


    I installed this plugin a few days ago. I have All in One SEO, and have activated the social meta on that. I installed and activated JM twitter cards, went through the intial validation/application process, got an email saying:

    Your Twitter Card is ready!
    We’ve activated the summary card for frankbukowski.com.
    If you want to use other kinds of Twitter cards (and we know you do), please make another request.
    Get another card

    But it doesn’t really tell me how to get at the twitter card it says is ‘ready’, or how I’m supposed to make twitter cards work. I thought once I’d applied and been accepted, it was just a case of pasting a blog post URL in the ‘validator’, select the twitter card type I wanted, click ‘validate and apply’, then once the ‘frankbukowski.com approved’ came up, I just had to paste the blog post URL in a Tweet, and the Twitter card would appear. I’ve tried several times now over a few days, and no twitter card appears, just the url I paste in the tweet.

    Can someone tell me what might be going wrong? I’m not a coder by the way, so simple advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks to anyone who can advise.



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  • Anonymous User 10765487


    I’d say set the robots.txt to accept twitter’s bot, you can read the documentation for that.

    Thread Starter FrankBukowski


    Thanks jmlapam, is that your documentation or Twitter’s I should read. Not sure how to set the robots.txt can you point me at the documentation where it tells me how? Thanks

    Anonymous User 10765487


    I guess both. Do not hesitate to push the button troubleshooting too in admin.

    Also you got an option to set a virtual robots.txt with appropriate rules for Twitter Cards.

    Thread Starter FrankBukowski



    Not sure what happened, but when I downloaded latest update of your plugin, the twitter cards started to work.

    Thanks for the help.

    Hi jmlapam, I tried and got to the exact point where I did changes to .htaccess. Yet, I don’t get the tweets with the card when I paste the post links in tweet and post. It is just the link. I had made the card in my posts and got my site validated by pasting it. My plugin version is latest.
    What am I doing wrong. Am I doing it with the right procedure. I believe I just have to paste the post link into twitter to get the card displayed in my tweet.
    FrankBukowski got it working, I wish I could also.
    jmlapam Please help ??

    Hi jmlapam, I got it working ??

    Anonymous User 10765487


    @praveen68: cheers ^^

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