@claytonjames? You? A spammer? Never, nneeevvverrr. No really, you’re doing fine. ??
At the moment there isn’t a moderator in the themes forum
@anevins Actually moderators get a view of the whole works. All the forums, the spam queue, etc.
Here’s the thing: a few days ago you’d replied to a request for help in a, shall we say, impolite way. A Youtube video link followed by an unflattering character reference (name calling).
This behavior got your account flagged as that is not tolerated. That’s why a moderator has to approve all of your posts. This is not a personal or malicious thing, everyone has to be civil to each other.
Except for an occasional terse reply, you’ve not had a repeat of that. You’ve been helpful and yes, helping people (nicely) is a cool thing to do. So I’m going to un-flag your account. Please maintain a civil attitude towards other members and you’ll be fine.