• ** I tried post in “WP-Advanced”, but only moderators can move things round **

    Hey, folks. I’m trying do some lists (recent post, popular post, more commented…). Ok, that’s easy and working.

    But I want return the first image from the latest post.

    Image Here

    • 3***
    • 2
    • 1

    Popular Post
    Image Here

    • First popular***
    • 2nd popular
    • 3rd popular

    And so on. I wanted return the image from the latest post in the list (marked with ***)

    The problem: code (below) almost worked. It returns image, but from the wrong post. From “oldest” instead the new one (1 and 3rd popular).

    This feature is a widget, and yes. It has more code, but I guess only this part is important.

    $ultimos = new WP_Query($query);
                if ($ultimos->have_posts()) : while ($ultimos->have_posts()) : $ultimos->the_post();		
                            $content = get_the_content();
                            //search image
                            //process image
                                $img = "<img $src[0] align='center' title='".get_the_title()."' width='130px' height='113px'  />";
                            else $img = "<img align='center' width='130px' height='113px' src='".get_bloginfo('template_directory')."/images/semfoto.jpg' title='".get_the_title()."' />";
                    $titles[] = get_the_title();
                    $links[] = get_permalink();$i++;
                    endwhile; ?>               
                <div class="widget-img">
                    <h3><?php echo $instance['title'] ?></h3>
                            <?php echo $img;?>
                            <?php for($j=0;$j<count($titles);$j++) {
                                    <a href="<?php echo $links[$j] ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php echo $titles[$j]; ?></a>
                            <?php } ?>

    Any highlighted? :/

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