• Resolved Deon


    how I can set my paginated content /page/2/ page/3/ page/xxx/ to no-index?

    Yoast team is probably going thru menopause/andropause and had the genius idea to remove no-index for pagination a while ago and that negatively affected my rankings.

    I know some yoast employee will come up and link to a blog post where they explain why their retarded idea and why it works. Still this does not change the result that my rankings were negatively affected because of the 100 /page/2/ page/32/ thin pages created thanks to their retarded developers.

    Even better they don’t tell you: ok you guys, we decided to remove this option, but if you still want to have it, do this and that. No, option removed, now f**k you. Your problem.

    Could someone please tell me how to:

    1) No-index these paginated pages /page/3/ page/5/
    2) how to tell googlebot to deindex these pages?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Deon.
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  • Thread Starter Deon


    Hi Sasa,
    thank you for your help!

    1) about the unicode characters issue, yesterday I just changed the slug in wordpress and it seems it redirects now. Do you think I should also add this code?

    2) this code that you gave me, what does it do exactly, could you please explain it?

    3) if I set in htaccess:
    Redirect 301 /page/2/ https://website.com
    Redirect 301 /page/3/ https://website.com
    Redirect 301 /page/4/ https://website.com
    Redirect 301 /page/5/ https://website.com
    Redirect 301 /page/6/ https://website.com
    Redirect 301 /page/7/ https://website.com
    Redirect 301 /page/8/ https://website.com

    will that work to get these sub-pages de-indexed?

    Options -Indexes
    # Custom 404 error response
    ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?error=404
    # Only allow these extensions 
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
      RewriteEngine On
      RewriteBase /
      RewriteRule ^wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php$ - [L]
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
      RewriteRule ^wp-(content|includes)/([^/]+/)*([^/.]+\.)+(jp(e?g|2)?|png|gif|bmp|ico|css|js|swf|xml|xsl|html?|mp(eg?|[34])|avi|wav|og[gv]|xlsx?|docx?|pptx?|gz|zip|rar|pdf|xps|7z|[ot]tf|eot|woff2?|svg|od[tsp]|flv|mov)$ - [L]
      RewriteRule ^wp-(content|includes|admin/includes)/ - [R=404,L]
    # Block access to backup and source files.
    # These files may be left by some text editors and can pose a great security
    # danger when anyone has access to them.
    <FilesMatch "(^#.*#|\.(bak|config|dist|fla|inc|ini|log|psd|sh|sql|sw[op])|~)$">
      Order allow,deny
      Deny from all
      Satisfy All
    # BEGIN My custom redirects
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
      RewriteRule ^my-permalink\xe2\x80\xa8$ my-permalink [R=301,L]
      RewriteRule ^page/\d+$ / [R=301,L]
    # END My custom redirects
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Deon.


    It’s an issue in WP architecture because pages are “paginated” and all subpages are “duplicated”. It’s related to https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/issues/6310 but I think that this snippet should be little updated. I’ll try to do it in next days.

    Related to the frontpage, my advice is that you redirect subpages (of frontpage) to frontpage. I already wrote rules in .htaccess. Other way is more complex… It’s possible to remove canonical and set them to noindex. Maybe you can set them to 404 and wait to google de-index them (I’ve tried it on a website).

    Thread Starter Deon


    Hi @stodorovic
    thank you for your help.

    1) about the weird character, I just changed the URL in wordpress should I also add this code?

    2) could you please explain me what this code you wrote does? I dont want to just copy paste and I dont even know what it does :/

    3) I have gone in htaccess and set 301 redirects page by page now like:
    page/2/ https://website.com
    page/3/ https://website.com

    will this get these pages de-indexed?

    4) how can I add a 404 in these pages?

    5) which one will make googlebot de-index these /page/2/ /page/3/ faster? the 404 or the 301 to homepage?

    Thank you for your help!!!!!!!



    I’ll try to quickly respond. I’ve little lost in all topics. Please review it again and resend question later. I’ll try to respond tonight.

    You can try to set rule which will force 404 error, but I’m not sure that will work. It’s better to add code in functions.php (if you have child theme) or simply create PHP file (with entire customization) and upload it as new plugin in WordPress. Could you easy add custom PHP code somewhere?

    I think that’s better to send 404 because these pages aren’t real content (and they are 100% duplicates). It could be faster way, but you should leave google to find them (without manual removing).

    I’ve correct PHP snippet somewhere. I’ll try to find it and post here, but I’ll be busy with other tasks in next hours.

    Thread Starter Deon


    I found another problem ??

    After I updated yoast to the last version so many problems.
    Google is indexing so much shit.

    I will create another thread for that.



    I just found PHP snippet which forces 404 errors for subpages.

    add_filter( 'pre_handle_404', function( $is_404, $wp_query ) {
    	// Send 404 for subpages of the frontpage.
    	if ( ! $is_404 && get_queried_object() && is_front_page() && is_paged() ) {
    		status_header( 404 );
    		return true;
    	return $is_404;
    }, 10, 2 );

    It’s an issue related to the code in WP core and it isn’t directly related to Yoast SEO and other plugins. Previous code is just a quick workaround for this problem. If you don’t have paginated posts, pages or other CPT then you can replace is_front_page with is_singular.

    Thread Starter Deon


    the problem is only with home page.

    I have “latest posts” as home page, and google indexed

    These pages are thin content. There is nothing there, just post titles and two lines per post. So I want to remove them.

    I set for all of them a 301 to home page.
    Do you think setting this 404 would be better than the 301 to home page?

    1) Also, sorry, you mean in my case I should use “is front page” or “is singular”?

    2) and I should add this code in my funtions.php as well as that code in .htaccess?

    3) I found a new problem
    This last month I updated wordpress and yoast and in 1 month so many indexing issues. All was fine before.

    The directories indexed
    The pages/ indexed
    the slug with weird characters

    and now last thing discovered this morning:

    The posts indexed double

    My indexing was perfect for years. I updated yoast and now in 3 weeks all possible shit.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Deon.


    As I already wrote, it’s often problem when you switch from “latest posts“to “static frontpage“.

    This PHP code will set 404 only for /page/2, /page/3, … when you use conditional tag is_front_page.

    Side effect on handle_404 is that number of pages are calculated only if post content contains tag <!––nextpage––>. Some custom page templates use this “side effect” to make their self pagination.

    If you don’t have custom PHP page templates or “post pagination” then you could choice is_singular to be safe. Archive pages (categories, tags) aren’t affected by this change.

    Related that these pages could be treated as soft 404 then I’ll choice “hard 404”. If you want to switch again to “latest posts” in next few months then it’s better to choice 301 redirects now.

    If you add previous PHP snippet then you should remove redirect rule (for subpages) from the .htaccess file. These rules have higher priority because they will be applied before loading index.php (and WP).

    Adding PHP snippet in functions.php isn’t recommended if you don’t have child theme. It’ll be overwritten at some update. Also, running outdated theme (if you decided to avoid future theme update) with newer WP could make new headaches. There will be various problems with JavaScript conflicts, …

    If you don’t have child theme then I’ll recommend to you create directory inside plugins directory. In this directory, it’s enough to create simple PHP file (with proper header) and custom PHP code. On this way, you will create your WP plugin which you can easy activate/deactivate (if you want to temporary remove previous code). More details: How to Easily Add Custom Code in WordPress.

    It’s long reply, but I wanted to cover all details.

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