• I need to change the icons of the service section, but I don’t want it to be for everyone, I want the icon to be independent, I try to change the icon to a variable so that it can be modified with a menu (I already made the menu) but it doesn’t change (the line I need is not modified)

    Here is the function related to this:

    function beni_gym_render_service_section( $dark_fitness_service_section_args ) {
        $dark_fitness_service_button_label = get_theme_mod( 'dark_fitness_service_button_label', __( 'Know More', 'dark-fitness' ) );
        <section id="dark_fitness_service_section" class="asterthemes-frontpage-section service-section service-style-1">
            if ( is_customize_preview() ) :
                dark_fitness_section_link( 'dark_fitness_service_section' );
            <div class="asterthemes-wrapper">
                $dark_fitness_query = new WP_Query( $dark_fitness_service_section_args );
                if ( $dark_fitness_query->have_posts() ) :
                    <div class="section-body">
                        <div class="service-section-wrapper">
                            $dark_fitness_i = 1;
                            while ( $dark_fitness_query->have_posts() ) :
                                $beni_gym_service_icon_section = get_theme_mod( 'beni_gym_service_icon_section' . $dark_fitness_i, 'fa fa-dumbbell' );
                                <div class="service-single">
                                    <?php if ( ! empty( $beni_gym_service_icon_section ) ) { ?>
                                        <div class="service-img">
                                            <img src="<?php echo esc_url( $beni_gym_service_icon_section ); ?>" alt="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>">
                                    <?php } ?>
                                    <div class="service-detail">
                                        <div class="gym-icon">
                                            <i class="<?php echo esc_attr( $beni_gym_service_icon_section ); ?>"></i>
                                        <h3 class="service-title">
                                            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
                                                <?php the_title(); ?>
                                            <?php echo wp_kses_post( wp_trim_words( get_the_content(), 20 ) ); ?>
                                        <?php if ( ! empty( $dark_fitness_service_button_label ) ) : ?>
                                            <div class="service-button">
                                                <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="asterthemes-button asterthemes-button-noborder-noalternate"><?php echo esc_html( $dark_fitness_service_button_label ); ?></a>
                                        <?php endif; ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
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