• Hi my site is https://panicattackaway.com/ and i have a squeeze page on it and a blog put i can’t find the main url of my blog which includes all the posts and categories so how i can find such a link knowing that i’m using optimize press lite theme
    thanks so much for your time
    hope to hear from you soon

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  • Log into your dashboard and take a look at your settings to see what you’ve created and set for your blog page. That squeeze page is problematic in that it offers absolutely no navigation for your visitors. It’s also causing you some problems you can’t see.

    Here’s where you can visit your site map: panicattackaway.com/sitemap.xml

    ..and an example of some errors being created by either the theme, or perhaps a related plugin issue: panicattackaway.com/tag/fear/

    It’s also worth noting that commercial themes aren’t supported here. You should seek theme support and usage documentation from the point of purchase.

    Thread Starter ahmed10s


    so you telling me to change the theme ??

    so you telling me to change the theme ??

    No. I’m just suggesting how you might get the best return on your investment.

    I mentioned information about how you can find and view your site map and how you can discover what pages and articles you have created. I also made an observation about an error I saw, and what might be causing it.

    I think it is unusual to find site navigation or links to a blog on a squeeze page. Assuming that might be your intention, I mentioned that navigation on your squeeze page is (could be, might be) problematic. While I should have explained my thoughts a little more clearly on that, I also made the assumption that you probably knew what the squeeze page was for.

    A squeeze page usually contains very specific information and is generally used for the purpose of gathering contact information so you can use it in a way that fits in with your marketing plan. Is navigation and a link to your blog on your squeeze page a good idea? I really don’t know. That’s entirely up to you. The documentation that came with the theme might even touch on that subject.

    Themes that you pay money for are not supported here. The simplest reason being, that others do not have access to the files so that they can see what you are seeing. That can make it difficult to help with any question you might have about how to use your theme. The best place to find information and support for a theme that you have purchased, is from support at the point of purchase. They should be able to help you with detailed documentation and support for using and customizing your theme.

    I hope that helps in some way..

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