• Recently I discovered my wordpress site was sucking up server CPU in a big way, essentially crashing the site at times, and throwing 500 server errors intermittently.

    So, at the advice of my host I add this line to my wp-config.php file:

    /* Disable evil background wp-cron */
    define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true);

    Then I set up a cron job in my control panel to run wp-cron.php twice a day.

    When I decided to use Preload, it didn’t work. So I commented out the disable wp cron in my wp-config.php file, and tried Preload again. Success!

    So, now I need to know, how often I need to allow wp-cron.php to run. I can’t let it run on it’s own as it was running every minute at various times that is still a mystery. Will twice a day be enough for WP Super Cache to work properly. It was, or seemed to be, till I tried to run Preload.

    I don’t want to let wp-cron.php run more than every couple of hours to save on server load.



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