Okay thanks, I found it now! Yeah it might be helpful to mention this somewhere – maybe even have a link to the settings page from the Plugins page (next to the “Deactivate” link for the plugin), like some other plugins do.
I actually thought that this plugin would give me the possibility to set an “unsticky” date on a post-by-post basis, so that I could go to one sticky post and set the date for it to become unsticky, and go to another sticky post and set a different date for that one to become unsticky. Because for my website, I need a different period of time for each post, before it becomes unsticky – it depends on what each post is about. Some posts need to stay sticky for just a week, but others need to stay sticky for two weeks or a month or whatever.
Would you consider adding this “per post” functionality to your plugin? I think that would make it really helpful and useful! ??