• robotdeathsquad


    I’ve downloaded the March 6th nightly build, which I believe should allow you to upload files with wp and also create thumbnails of pictures you upload (this is what someone said in the hacks forum).
    I’ve found the upload options screen, but I don’t understand where you go to upload the files. Neither the write or the advanced options screen has upload or picture options. Is this feature not implimented yet?

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  • Sushubh


    u make a folder on the server u want the uploaded files to go.
    u give write permissions to that folder
    u specify the details in options:
    and then u go to:
    rest should be pretty apparent! ??


    Hi there
    I have followed the above directs as good as I can.
    When I try to upload a file to my “upload” directory I get a successful response:
    “File uploaded ! Your file craigshut.jpg was uploaded successfully !”
    HOWEVER, when I actually look at the directory via my FTP client it is empty.
    What gives? Any ideas?
    Regards from DK.


    Hi again. I am the guy who posted above as Anonymous.
    I have not installed from a nightly build. I installed WordPress 1.0.1 from the SourceForge download site.
    I hope that uploads work in 1.0.1
    I have give the directory these permissions:
    chmod 766 upload
    (the server is a suse 9.0 box)
    While writing this I tried “chmod 777 upload” and now it works!
    So I think that I worked out the problem.



    good to hear that… ??


    I’ve tried 777 and 755, my Upload does not work. It kept telling me I do not have writable permission. I’ve even called my techical webhost and they’ve said those two cmod should have worked. So my question would be if there’s something wrong with my upload.php. I’ve not tweak nor done anything to it. I’m about ready to give up. ??


    What I did was changed the error generated from “b2upload.php” with line 29 (./b2header.php). Since I am using WordPress, that file does not exist so I renamed that to “./admin-header.php) . I then can open the upl0ad interface. Only problem/errors I received were:
    Warning: move_uploaded_file(/public_html/wp2w/wp-images/ldf3.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/forcefor/public_html/wp2w/wp-admin/b2upload.php on line 232
    Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move ‘/var/tmp/php30QiKs’ to ‘/public_html/wp2w/wp-images/ldf3.gif’ in /home/forcefor/public_html/wp2w/wp-admin/b2upload.php on line 232
    Warning: copy(/public_html/wp2w/wp-images/ldf3.gif): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/forcefor/public_html/wp2w/wp-admin/b2upload.php on line 235
    Couldn’t Upload Your File to /public_html/wp2w/wp-images/ldf3.gif.
    I’m stuck there and still try&error tactic.

    u make a folder on the server u want the uploaded files to go. (done)
    u give write permissions to that folder (done, 766)
    u specify the details in options:
    wp-admin/options.php?option_group_id=4 (i dunno what you mean by this?)
    and then u go to:
    wp-admin/upload.php (go here and do what?)
    rest should be pretty apparent! ?? (no im stuck ?? )

    wp-admin/upload.php should be the page that has the option for you to upload a picture. Click Browse, select a picture from you computer and click upload!

    but the pic aint appearing even though they said uploaded successfully! and i used the code that they had given!

    and the direcvtorynis writeable.. its 766

    OK its done. thanks!!!!!!!!!! i made it 777

    question regarding upload… what is the difference between the path and URI (i’m using 1.2 under misc. options). Do I need var/chroot/ etc. etc. I haven’t a clue what that means or where it leads to. Gracias.

    prefer using relative links.
    for example if the upload folder is in wp-admin, just specify the folder name
    one folder down: ../foldername

    You don’t need to go to https://your.site.com/wp-admin/upload.php, just click the Upload button next to the logout button. I am using WP 1.5.2, so this may not apply to you.

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