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  • Thread Starter frank tredici


    my photos directory’s permissions are set to 777

    Thread Starter frank tredici


    tried Other Options > Reset Options

    That did not correct the problem

    Thread Starter frank tredici


    Odd, the documentation (at states there are 3 Options for adding images, yet only 2 options are discussed.

    Secondly, I do not have “Import image folder” as an option, I only have “Add Gallery/Images”.

    Is this plugin working with the latest version of WP MultiSite?

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @frank tredici – You will most likely need to Network Activate NextGEN Gallery then set the appropriate options there first.

    – Cais.

    I activated it via the Network Activate method in the first place. The plugin does not allow me to upload images. Yet there are no details in the error message nor is the documentation sufficient to explain how to upload and/or how to troubleshoot this particular error message.

    Can you specify exactly what each of the “appropriate options” need to be set too?

    Thanks for helping. Greatly appreciate it.

    BTW, this post is not resolved. Not sure why @photocrati deemed it to be resolved.

    Thread Starter frank tredici


    Also, in addition to permissions being set to 777 o the photo directory, I tried to upload a .jpeg sized at 75kb. It did not work so it is not a php upload_max_filesize ini setting issue.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @jose – Please start your own topic so we can try to help you with your specific issue on your specific site.



    – Cais.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @frank tredici – Did you network activate the plugin and check under the Gallery menu in Network Settings? Importing is off by default in a Multisite installation.

    – Cais.

    Thread Starter frank tredici


    re: “@jose – Please start your own topic so we can try to help you with your specific issue on your specific site.”

    Thanks @cais .I am one and the same (jose & frank tredici – i was logged in on different computers and did not realize my post got tagged by my other login)..

    Thread Starter frank tredici


    “Did you network activate the plugin and check under the Gallery menu in Network Settings? Importing is off by default in a Multisite installation.”

    I’ll check that now

    Thread Starter frank tredici


    Ok, I went to the Network Admin panel and checked all the boxes on the settings.

    Then I went back into my site and tried to upload an image. No Go ! ??

    Got the same error message “There was a problem uploading the file.
    0 images were uploaded”

    What does that error message mean?

    How you troubleshoot it?

    Is your plubin compatible with 4.2.2 in a multisite environment?

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @frank tredici – We do not have any known issue with WordPress 4.2.2 specifically (including Multisite installations).

    Multisite installation are a bit more involved (obviously) but the troubleshooting is more or less the same in the long run. Start with eliminating any and all possible plugin conflicts and also testing with a default WordPress Twenty series theme. Make sure all caches and any cache artifacts are cleared from the server as well, just in case.

    Also check permissions across all folders (and files) to ensure the “gallery” related ones are using the equivalent of 0755 (or better) and files are 0644 (or better).


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter frank tredici


    No luck…same plugin settings & permissions on my WPMU “Site #3” which works and has been working since I first installed your plugin a year ago. In fact, I just ran a test on Site 3 and uploaded a image with no problems. My WPMU “Site #12” does not work. Again, same settings and permissions. Same error (There was a problem uploading the file. 0 images were uploaded) which does not tell me what specifically what is throwing it. File being uploaded was the same jpeg that I tested on Site 3 that worked. So it’s not the image file.

    One bug I did discover is that when you delete a gallery through your admin panel UI, the server directory does not get deleted. You must remove it and its children manually.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @frank tredici – Please send us a Bug Report ( … please reference this topic) so we can get a better look under the page at your site.

    We may need log in and FTP credentials for your WordPress installation, please include those with your Bug Report, too.


    – Cais.

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