appointment provided two slider option
1. Demo slider
2. Post slider & category slider
If used demo slider its parts of the customization in index-slider.php file
If used post & category slider
For this go to slider setting in option panel ( Theme dashboard >> Appearance >> option panel >> slider setting )
then select any option, either post slider or category slider
If you select post slider, then you have to find post id, to get it go through ‘click here to edit’ button. After all post edit window will open. then just mouse over to edit link of any post. Then see at left bottom of window there you will find link. In this link post= something numeric value. i.e post id. Paste it in feature slider input field. Repeat the same process to get all IDs. All ids should be separated by commas.
and to choose a category slider, select the categories to show on slider.
if not working to use post slider please this URL.