• Resolved Pratikpk


    I have gone through ever single option in the dashboard to find out how I can change the text in the sliders that says “powerful boot strap theme” and also how to change the pictures. Is this a hard things to change?

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  • Hi

    appointment provided two slider option
    1. Demo slider
    2. Post slider & category slider

    If used demo slider its parts of the customization in index-slider.php file
    If used post & category slider
    For this go to slider setting in option panel ( Theme dashboard >> Appearance >> option panel >> slider setting )

    then select any option, either post slider or category slider

    If you select post slider, then you have to find post id, to get it go through ‘click here to edit’ button. After all post edit window will open. then just mouse over to edit link of any post. Then see at left bottom of window there you will find link. In this link post= something numeric value. i.e post id. Paste it in feature slider input field. Repeat the same process to get all IDs. All ids should be separated by commas.

    and to choose a category slider, select the categories to show on slider.

    if not working to use post slider please this URL.


    Imran, can you advise me on changing an image in the Demo slider? I’ve gone into the index slider file and changed the image, but it’s not showing up on the page. Unsure of how to proceed. Thanks!

    Hi Aurora

    Follow this instruction For Demo slider
    1. For demo slider use insert image in images >> slide folder in appointment theme package.

    Remove Default images then
    Change your image name, like slide1.jpg
    IF you change second image like slide2.jpg


    Forgive me, but this is still not working. Am I going to the right area to change this? I’m in the editor, under index-slider.php, and simply taking “slide2” out of the below line and replacing it with the image name I want to replace it with.

    <img src=”<?php echo WEBRITI_TEMPLATE_DIR_URI;?>/images/slide/slide2.jpg”>

    When I do this and refresh my page, the default image is of course gone, but is not replaced with the image I replaced it with.

    I do not know what you mean by insert the images in the slider folder. Thanks again.


    Please share your website URL.


    I’m also having no luck in changing the information in the “Appointment Info Widget” that appears in the Orange bar on the homepage. No matter what I enter into the field, it comes up as the default text “Have a Question, Call Us Now”. I’m coming up short today. ??


    For appointment info widget

    Kindly Replace the appointment theme package >> function >> widget >> appointment_info_widget.php and replace all the code with the code mentioned in the link.


    Is it possible to add UTF 8 encoding in slider text?

    Hi enaentech1901

    Please find and Remove below code in header.php file.

    <meta charset="<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>">

    and add below code in header.php file

    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    And Please always Create new Ticket For all issue.


    Hi enaentech1901

    Did your issue resolved.
    Can I close this Ticket.


    Hi Imran ali,

    I have the same problem as Enaentech1901. I changed the name of the picture into ‘foto1.jpg’ (name of the picture I have upload) in editor index-slider.php but if I refresh my page I could’t see the new picutre.

    The old name in the index-slider.php was: <img src=”<?php echo WEBRITI_TEMPLATE_DIR_URI;?>/images/slide/slide1.jpg”>

    The new name is: <img src=”<?php echo WEBRITI_TEMPLATE_DIR_URI;?>/images/foto1.jpg”>

    I deleted ‘/slide/’ because I couldn’t find the map ‘slide’ in the mediamap where I uploaded my pictures. Could you help me out? My URL is https://www.premieja.nl. Thanks!


    If you changes any images,plz create a new folder in Images folder like : – Upload
    then paste your image in upload folder ,

    Then use below code in index-slider.php file

    <img src="<?php echo WEBRITI_TEMPLATE_DIR_URI;?>/images/upload/foto1.jpg">

    Note : – This time your image URL is : – https://www.premieja.nl/wp-content/themes/appointment/upload/foto1.jpg


    Thanks Imran ali! I got it! But now I have an other problem. Is it also possible to hold the slider if you choose the option static homepage? Is there a way I could fix this? I prefer a sidebar on my homepage but also the slider.


    Plz create a new ticket for your another issue..

    open this link


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