Sorry for the delay in replying
Yes, you can create a user using WP Rest API
Buy WordPress Rest API is designed to use by an admin user
So you shouldn’t use it in your apps which is used by your users
JWT plugin is just a method to allow you to authenticate the user
to tell the server who is the user who makes the request
if you send an HTTP post request
to /wp/v2/users
it will allow you to create the user only if you are authenticated and admin user
so you have to make your own create user route by creating your own plugin instead of using this API
or you can use a plugin from
This is plugin is simple
just add a few fields in the request of the JWT Auth plugin
But if the user has a JWT token
You can authenticate him
You can make a route that returns the data of the user
If the authenticated
Sorry for my bad English
I will make a plugin soon